FOR ONCE. . . . .

For once I want to feel the happiness.
For once I want to do away with the glumness.
For once I want to feel the pain subside.
For once I want to just hide.

For once I want to seek solace
For once I want to lower the pace.
For once I want to fly high
For once I wish to touch the sky.
For once I want to break the rhyme
For once i want to shine.

For once I want to get detached
For once I don’t want to get trashed.
For once I want to forget
For once I don’t want to regret.

I CRY. . .

this poem is inspired by another beautiful piece i found, but the words are totally mine. i hope this very small poem conveys the depth of my soul in few words..:)

I cry for the time I thought you were all mine,
I cry for the time I felt you in my mind,
I cry for the time when I dreamt to gather your shine.

I cry for the time when i sang the love chime,
I cry for the moment I tried to break the rhyme,I cry for the good; bad; best; worst crime,

I cry  I cry  I cry